Other Smart Ways to Give

Consider giving via stocks, donor-advised funds, and more!

For more information, please fill out the form below:

Need more information? Read more below or contact us at donate@prageru.com or 833-772-4378.

  1. Stock Gifts

    Giving publicly-traded stocks you’ve owned for more than one year that have increased in value, may provide better tax benefits than giving cash. You may avoid paying capital gains and save on brokerage fees, while enjoying a charitable income tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the stock. Your broker can assist you in giving stock via a direct transfer to Prager University Foundation to the following account:

    Bank Name: Vanguard

    DTC #: 0062

    Account Name: Prager University Foundation

    Account Number 29682179

    Please include your name, phone number, and email so we may thank you!