Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs on PragerU Videos

  1. How often do you release a new video?

    PragerU is the leading hub for pro-American content online. We release new content every single day—from our core, flagship 5-Minute Videos to podcasts and short clips on the pulse of news and culture, and even children’s content with our PragerU Kids shows, books, and magazines. We also produce several long-form series including Fireside Chat with Dennis Prager, The Candace Owens Show, The Book Club with Michael Knowles, Short Documentaries, Americanos, Stories of Us, Will & Amala LIVE and other content featuring Will Witt and Amala Ekpunobi, our own in-house social media influencers. 

FAQs on PragerU Programs

  1. What is PragerU Resources for Educators and Parents (PREP)?

    PragerU Resources for Educators & Parents (PREP) is the community activism arm of PragerU Kids, PragerU’s K-12th grade educational initiative. PREP brings together tens of thousands of educators and parents around the country and arms them with a roadmap to rebuild our education system from within.

    Your annual donation of $25 or more offers the exclusive gift of one PREP membership, including:

    - Exclusive access to our members-only discussion forum, independently hosted on PragerU’s website and mobile app—filled with ideas, resources, and support from thousands of other parents and educators 

    - Email updates and early access to new shows and other PragerU Kids content 

    - The opportunity to provide feedback on PragerU Kids shows and resources

FAQs on PragerU Organization

  1. Where is PragerU?

    PragerU is an online resource, so we're basically everywhere! We are free and available to anyone with an open mind and online access. PragerU headquarters are located in Los Angeles, CA. Our mailing address is 15021 Ventura Blvd. #552, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403.

FAQs on Supporting PragerU

  1. How can I support PragerU?

    Spread the word, share our content, and donate. There are many ways to give to Prageru. Every dollar matters. Your tax-deductible donation allows us to produce and share our content with millions of people all over the world. Also consider checking out the PragerU Store to show off your support for PragerU. 

FAQs on Tax Letters

  1. When do PragerU tax letters go out for donations?

    We mail out tax letters to our donors by January 31st of each year for the preceding calendar year.